Industrial metalworking requires special handling

Individual requirements, custom-fit solutions

The metalworking industry enables high-tech in many areas. Global trends such as electromobility, additive manufacturing and lightweight construction are directly reflected in this industry. New products, solutions and processes must be developed to successfully meet the demands of tomorrow’s markets and future. Diversity, more complex production processes and globalization are challenging the metal industry.

The intelligent automation of handling processes with image processing and laser technology offers the best balance between flexibility and productivity. inos vision solutions are characterized by high efficiency, durability and reliability – always adapted to the individual requirements of industrial metal processing. From robot guidance, industrial metrology and quality inspection to material handling systems, with the inos modular system of high-tech sensor solutions, inos software architecture and a set of special probing methods and algorithms for evaluation, you couldn’t be better positioned.

Benefit from the innovative power of a globally active automation specialist. inos provides smart solutions to enable the highest possible quality, process-reliable workflows and economically mappable processes.

inos solution portfolio for the metalworking industry

Position determination in two- and three-dimensional space
Die intelligente Lageerkennung von inos bestimmt in 2D und 3D zuverlässig die Lage der Bauteile.	inos’ intelligent position recognition reliably determines the position of components in 2D and 3D.

Position determination in two- and three-dimensional space

If a workpiece is not optimally positioned in the workspace, the industrial robot cannot carry out the work process as planned. inos’ intelligent position detection reliably determines the position of the components in 2D and 3D. Thus, the robot always knows where the next handling action must take place – for flexible, repeatable, cost-efficient series production of your components.

2D and 3D position recognition
Reach into the box – fast and reliably
Die Bin-Picking Systeme von inos sorgen für eine zügige und zuverlässige Montage sowie zeiteffiziente und prozesssichere Be- und Entladevorgänge.	inos’ bin-picking systems ensure quick, reliable assembly and time-efficient, process-reliable loading and unloading procedures.

Reach into the box – fast and reliably

Often workpieces arrive in disorder in a crate or are too heavy; there is no time to load and unload crates or machines manually. Recognizing, removing, sorting or merging – inos’ bin picking systems enable speedy, reliable assembly as well as time-efficient, process-reliable loading and unloading of your components with industrial robots.

Bin picking
Package handling
Ein vollautomatisiertes System von inos ermöglicht einfaches, schnelles und zuverlässiges Handling von Paletten in der Logistik.	A fully automated system from inos enables fast, simple and reliable handling of pallets in logistics.

Package handling

A fully automated system from inos enables you to handle pallets quickly, easily and reliably in logistics. Based on our vision systems and inos application software, our palletizing and depalletizing solutions reliably and efficiently detect and process any unit load. Your employees’ workload is decreased and cycle time is significantly reduced.

Palletizing and depalletizing
Intelligent networking of workstations
Die Fahrerlosen Transportsysteme von Grenzebach sorgen für die pünktliche Lieferung der Komponenten an Arbeitskräfte und Montageroboter. 	Grenzebach’s automated guided vehicles ensure the punctual delivery of components to workers and assembly robots.

Intelligent networking of workstations

In many cases, individual components make processes in the metal processing industry more complex. What is needed is production logistics that can handle this efficiently. The automated guided vehicles (AGVs) from our high-performance partner Grenzebach not only enable the punctual delivery of components to the desired workstation, but also get your entire material flow moving.

Automated guided vehicles
Transparent quality inspection
inos prüft die Merkmale der Produkte auf Vollständigkeit und Beschaffenheit.	inos checks products’ characteristics for completeness and condition.

Transparent quality inspection

As a system partner, we help you to continuously improve production quality. With inos assembly control, you always keep track of your components’ quality. We check your products’ characteristics for completeness and condition and provide a transparent quality inspection. In this way, test results can be quickly evaluated and immediate action can be taken if necessary.

Assembly control
Dimensional control with industrial 3D measuring technology
inos misst kontinuierlich, schnell und effizient die Abmessungen von Bauteilen.	inos measures the dimensions of components quickly, continuously and efficiently.

Dimensional control with industrial 3D measuring technology

Incorrect dimensions can lead to rejects and complaints. Manual intervention is time-consuming and costly. inos’ 3D Inline Metrology measures the dimensions of components quickly, continuously and efficiently – even during the production process. Unwanted deviations can be reacted to quickly and time and costs can be reduced sustainably.

3D inline metrology
Metal processing

“Robotic systems, such as welding or assembly robots, are essential in the metalworking industry to meet the agile demand of the market. However, static units without vision technologies quickly reach their limits. Only robotic systems with intelligent image processing and laser technologies can dynamically react to changing conditions and increase productivity and quality. They enable companies to respond flexibly to market changes. With our innovative automation solutions and real-time monitoring systems, you can reduce your lead times and improve the quality of your products.”


Alexander Beck inos Automation
Alexander Beck COO inos Automomationssoftware GmbH

Opportunities and advantages of automation with inos

TURNKEY PARTNER OF THE metal processing industry

Holistic solutions

As a full-service provider, inos delivers holistic solutions to make automation simple, efficient and highly available. With a passion for process know-how, we increase productivity and quality along the entire value chain and beyond. inos offers a modular system with many options – always tailored to your needs and optimally integrated into the overall process.

Many years of experience

After its start in the automotive industry, inos has been a reliable system provider and companion to leading companies in numerous industries for more than 25 years, helping them with the automation of industrial processes and robot guidance. inos technologies are state-of-the-art: we make sure our solutions are durable, easy to implement and integrate, efficient, sustainable and economical – today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

One contact person, one user interface

inos manages numerous applications, from robot guidance to material handling to industrial measurement technology, with clear, flexible, simple software. Time-consuming and costly training for your employees is reduced. Retrofits or expansions of process flows are easily and quickly integrated. We constitute one contact with a strong partner network to meet all your needs.


Contact us anytime

Your Contact Person: Thomas Klaiber

Ever lighter materials and increased requirements demand innovative technologies and knowledge. We are happy to support you, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thomas Klaiber inos